August 2020
- An idea is conceived.
- Institute Executive Board (CIT) approved a proposal to pilot Reach – a proactive academic mentoring/advising initiative promoting belonging and connection amongst Year 1 and Year 2 students from the same academic programme
October 2020
- 15th October - Formation of the Reach Co-ordinating Team
"Our warm up – and all our professional development activity – was designed to be enjoyable and model potential interactions with our mentees"
Reach Mentor
- By 23rd October 2020, 50 Reach Academic Mentors had received initial training and were starting to meet their students. First meeting/workshop to train Academic Mentors on Cork Campuses
- Information workshops, supervision, bespoke training and informal 'coffee-catch-ups' formed a core part of ongoing professional development
November 2020
- External exemplars shape our practice.
"The Reach Team at MTU have created an advising/academic mentoring programme which has all the hallmarks of excellence in advising practice"
Dr. Emily McIntosh, Middlesex University, Vice-Chair (Research) - UK Advising and Tutoring Association
December 2020
- Design Thinking Approach to reimagine the programme for Semester Two
- Feedback sought from Academic Mentors and Heads of Department to build Semester Two Programme
- 20 new Mentors seek to join the programme
- Reach celebrates its first Christmas with an online event with CIT’s Registrar Dr. Aine Ni She and CIT’s outgoing President Dr. Barry O’Connor
January 2021
- MTU is established and Professor Maggie Cusack is appointed as President.
- Extended programme of supports and workshops and further mentoring accreditation offered to our growing Academic Mentoring Team
- A new Reach Canvas Module is designed, piloted and implemented with the Department of Technology Enhanced Learning
February 2021
- MTU Kerry Campus Mentors join the Reach Programme.
- Further Focus Group with Academic Mentors in a process of ongoing review and development
- Collaboration with Student Assistance Fund, Academic Success Coaching, Academic Learning Centre, GDPR Officer to enrich programme
March 2021
- Reach is added to the student’s online learning platforms of Canvas and Blackboard
April 2021
- A Reach playlist is created by students and is available on Spotify!
May 2021
- Reach competes with 9 other colleges to win the COVID Crisis Response Award at the Irish Education Awards
June 2021
- Reach is approved by the Executive Board of MTU to run in 2021/2022 academic year.