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MTU's effort and investment of resources to enhance student engagement and communications continues to gain attention from a variety of national and international expert sources including:

2022 - MTU Cork:

  • The Student Engagement Office (AnSEO) and the Arts Office won The Irish Education Awards Student Engagement and Communications Award.

2021 - MTU Cork:

  • Le Chéile, a programme of AnSEO - The Student Engagement Office, won The Irish Education Awards Student Engagement and Communications Award. View our submission here.
  • Reach Academic Mentoring, a programme of AnSEO - The Student Engagement Office, won The Irish Education COVID-19 Crisis Response Award. View our submission here.

2020– CIT's Academic Success Coaching, of AnSEO - The Student Engagement Office, won The Irish Education Awards Student Engagement and Communications Award. View our submission here.

2019CIT hosted the prestigious EFYE2019 conference, chosen by European First Year Experience Network committee in recognition of our ongoing work in this space.

2019– CIT shortlisted for the The Irish Education Awards Student Engagement and Communications Award.  View our submission here.

2018 – CIT's AnSEO - The Student Engagement Office won The Irish Education Awards Student Engagement and Communications Award. View our submission here.

2017At annual review and strategic dialogue meeting with HEA, CIT was very strongly commended for our ongoing commitment and development in the student engagement and communications space by both national and international panel members.

2017 – CIT were honoured to be asked by HEA/QQI/USI to host the national launch of NStEP (National Student Engagement Programme) Networks. Students and staff from 20 participating universities and IOTs gathered in CIT to launch networks and discuss work plans. CIT was invited to lead one of the five national networks. CIT (on invitation of NStEP) presented a workshop at the launch event.

2017 – CIT was recognised by Cork Convention Bureau Ambassador Award for hosting PASS/PAL (Peer Assisted Learning and Support) Leader Conference 2017 – The Power of We (Over 100 students and staff from 25 different Higher Education Institutions across Europe, plus 20 CIT attendees). 3 days of staff and students reflecting on how we improve student engagement, communications and progression using the power of peer to peer communication and engagement.

2017 – CIT's AnSEO - The Student Engagement Office won The Irish Education Awards Student Engagement and Communications Award.  www.educationawards.ie/past-winners View our submission here.

2016 CIT was invited by the European Centre for Peer Assisted Learning, University of Lund, Sweden to host PASS/PAL conference 2017

2016 - CIT recognised as an exemplar for student engagement by HEA http://www.hea.ie/news/working-group-student-engagement

2016 - CIT selected as one of 5 HE institutes for participation in the newly launched NStEP (National Student Engagement Programme) by QQI/HEA/USI  http://usi.ie/nstep/

2016 - CIT shortlisted to semi-finalists of 85 nominations received by The National Resource Centre for the First Year Experience and Students in Transition, University of South Carolina, in annual international search for Outstanding First Year Champions http://www.sc.edu/fye/annual/FYE16_AnnualProgram.pdf


  • Testimonials

    Marese Bermingham

    Marese Bermingham

    Head, Student Engagement Office at MTU

    Human interaction speaks volumes in the digital age and making real time to meet with, listen and consult students and staff face to face is essential. There is no magical thinking here.

  • AnSEO Programmes

    AnSEO has a variety of programmes that supports both students and staff in MTU.

    more info

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