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In instances where lecturing or programme staff may like a deeper understanding of particular experiences of their students, consultations are very often an effective way to gather information. These sessions are run as small or larger scale focus groups, and staff are often invited to participate. The topic/range of questions are agreed in advance and the sessions are facilitated by staff from AnSEO, with a report generated post-event for action.

Student consultations have been run at Faculty, School, Department & class level across all 4 campuses to date with conversations ranging from the 1st year & 2nd year experience, work placement, assessment & feedback and the student experience.

Students and staff are encouraged to follow the A, B, C. D feedback model from sparqs (Student Partnership in Quality, Scotland).

















CASE STUDY: 2nd Year Chemistry Group, Dept. of Physical Sciences (2020)

Staff were interested in hearing how students in this year group were experiencing blended learning in Semester 1. A brief survey was circulated to the class which informed the discussions had in a 60 minute consultation with the group. In a facilitated session, the students expanded on the answers they had provided in the survey, and then worked on solutions to some of the pressure points they had identified. Their feedback along with their ideas and solutions was circulated back to staff. The next stage in this process will be actioning some of students' ideas for Semester 2.



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