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BALI - Building Assessment Literacy Initiative 2020

We know that assessment has significant impact on student learning. Using an interdisciplinary and partnership approach, staff and students will co-create a series of assessment & feedback literacy resources and tools which will be relevant to all and translate across programmes.

Funding for this project has been obtained under CIT’s allocation of the Strategic Alignment of Teaching and Learning Enhancement Funding in Higher Education 2019

Academic Learning Centre - Communications Partnership Project

The purpose of this project is to examine how MTU's Academic Learning Centre is marketed and used by students in an effort to understand how better to promote its services and meet the needs of MTU's learning community.

Library - Development of an Information Literacy OER (Open Educational Resource) for Undergraduate Students

In this project, library staff will work in partnership with students to create and develop online educational resources to aid students with information literacy.

Funding for this project has been obtained under CIT’s allocation of the Strategic Alignment of Teaching and Learning Enhancement Funding in Higher Education 2019

Devlopment of AnSEO's programme booklet for academic year 2020/2021.

This student/staff project involved undergraduate students and staff from the AnSEO team where an information booklet was co-created with the incoming first years identified as the primary audience. For a period of 12 weeks, each aspect of the booklet was worked on by the team from concept and layout to content writing, design and sign off. The core team also consulted with and sought feedback from a network of over 25 students, MTU lecturing and professional staff and parents.

The AnSEO booklet was included in MTU's CAO offer to pespective first year students reaching an audience of over 2,000 people.


  • Le Cheile

    In 2021, Le Chéile, AnSEO was the proud recipient of the Irish Education Award for Student Engagement and Communications.

    more info

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